Venice Audubon Rookery

This section of my website will be used for photos taken in Florida, but not on Sanibel Island. I’ve been torn between placing them here or starting a new web page. If you would like to share, I’d like to hear your opinion in the comments section below on where you’d rather see my “Wild In Florida” photos. I will continue to have photos taken on Sanibel Island on the blog tab.

The photos below were taken at the Venice Audubon Rookery. These were taken during the bright mid-day sun, which isn’t the best condition for photos. It was fun to see so many nests in one little spot. The Rookery is a small island covered with trees, in the middle of a small pond/lake. Every spot available is taken up with a nest of egrets, herons, ibis, and more.

The first photos are of great egrets.

The mating plumage on the great egret is so beautiful

Young great blue heron with a parent

The great blue heron below looks to be a fledgling on its own


The young great blue heron below appeared to want to be fed. It kept poking at the parent to no avail.

This great blue heron seemed to be watching the nests from the shade across the water.

This male red-winged blackbird posed in a tree for a lot of photos from several people. Why is the male often the prettier of the birds?