This afternoon, we took a bike ride on Pond Apple Trail. It is a trail through 40 acres of wildlife preserve on Sanibel Island, giving you a glimpse of how the island looked when it was first settled. At around the mid-point, the trail opens up to a series of ponds where a variety of birds can be found. This was a new bike ride for us and one I'm sure we will do many times again.
Anhinga hanging out on a post, drying its wings.
This Great Blue Heron seemed to come from nowhere and flew by. I barely had time to snap a couple of photos.
The whole trail looks like this. Such a nice, quiet ride.
Back at our house, this Yellow-Crowned Night Heron seems to have the nest just about ready. It turns out there are two nests in the tree.
We took an early morning walk on the beach. This Osprey flew over and landed on a log near me, then gave me the evil eye.
The day started out cloudy, but we were treated to the sun by noon.