Brown Pelicans and Roseate Spoonbills

The nests along the boardwalk are pretty much empty. We saw a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron chick hanging around a couple of the nests. The Tri-Colored Heron nest was empty. It’s worrisome since just a week ago, the chick didn’t look old enough to fly from the nest. Although, I read that they leave the nest at 35 days. So, maybe the chick is just fine and out on its own.

The Yellow-Crowned Night Heron adult below was near one of the nests.

We saw plenty of Roseate Spoonbills and Brown Pelicans along Wildlife Drive.

I love the black on the edges on the wings of the very young Roseate Spoonbills.

An Osprey came in for a landing, splashed in the water, took off, and came back several times.

We were treated to a pretty nice rainbow as we were getting back into the car.

A young bright Green Iguana crossed Wildlife Drive in front of us before we left.