Nice day for birds . . . and people!

We saw a few birds at Ding on our early morning drive through. This pretty Tri-colored Heron posed long enough for me to get some pics.

Why did the chicken, uh . . . I mean the Little Blue Heron, cross the road?

This male Anhinga was hanging out in a tree by the road, looking pretty with its mating plumage.

When your feet are big enough to ski and you don’t even need a boat . . .

I saw what I thought was a Tri-Colored Heron at the Bailey Tract and took a couple of pics. It wasn’t until I was home that i realized the colors were completely different from the Tri-Colored Heron above. I guess I’d never seen a juvenile Tri-Colored Heron with the brown and rust colors instead of the blue and purple colors.

Back in our neighborhood, these two ospreys are always on the nest in the mornings. I’m not sure if they have a successful nest. I hope so, though.