Our backyard was full of all sorts of birds today, along with one Gopher Tortoise. The Tortoise came wandering by the pool, stopped for photos and then continued on his way.
Just look at this prehistoric looking face that only his mother could love!
This bird is a Great Crested Flycatcher. I think he has a new perm!
Pretty little Red-bellied Woodpecker
This Cardinal stopped in a tree near me and sang such a pretty song.
This fat little female Mottled Duck was running from a couple of suitors.
Hey, Lady, have you seen my girlfriend?
My neighbor keeps an eye out for wildlife for me to photograph. She called today to tell me that this Common Gallinule was at the edge of the water in her backyard. He wasn't too pleased to see me and was gone before I could get a good photo. Hopefully, he will be back soon!
The Yellow-Crowned Night Heron is still on the nest!