Easter traditionally signals the end of the tourist high season on Sanibel Island. Daily life and the streets become a bit easier for the residents to navigate. However, the businesses certainly appreciate the extra business during high season! The birds that migrate north for the summer are gone for the most part. We still have lots of wild to be enjoyed, though! The wide open beaches are really nice, too!
This Little Blue Heron flew right above my head, almost too close to photograph while we were walking through the Bailey Tract.
The Little Blue Heron goes through a white phase before it matures, making it very hard to distinguish from a Snowy Egret. I'm going to step out on a limb and say that the bird below is a Little Blue Heron in its white phase. I would hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong!
There was one little Black-Necked Stilt hanging around.
The field next to the walking path at the Bailey Tract was absolutely full of Dragonflies sitting atop these sticks. Maybe someone can tell me what they were up to?
The beach was almost empty on Easter morning. A few people walking along and a fisherman, but otherwise this stretch was empty!
A tree next to the beach had been cut down. Water eroded the sand around the roots and caught my eye.