Wild on Sanibel

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Eagles, herons, and more

It was at about this same time last year that we first saw the two Bald Eagles in this nest. They were back again this week. They weren’t successful having a chick this year, but hopefully, they will be back next season to try again. I love getting the chance to see these magnificent birds.

The juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron was still hanging around the boardwalk at Ding today.

The male Anhinga was taking his turn sitting on the nest, again.

The Yellow-Crowned Night Herons were still working on their nest, a week later!

The pretty little Tri-Colored Heron below was searching for breakfast.

This Little Blue Heron walked along the Indigo Trail with us.

I don’t know if this is a Little Blue Heron in the white phase or a Reddish Egret in the white phase. It seemed too large for a Little Blue Heron, though. I’m sure someone can tell me.

It was a treat to see 4 Great Blue Herons all in one spot. The one below was the only one with mating plumage.

The one below caught lunch and then moved into the trees with it. I wondered if there were a nest back in the trees, since they usually immediately eat what they catch.

Then, a walk through the Bailey Tract yielded a Tri-Colored Heron and a Little Blue Heron. The Tri-Colored Heron appears to be starting to change to the blue and gray colors.

Back at home, I got a couple more photos of the Common Gallinule and the baby chicks in the lake behind our house.

Just look at the size of these feet!! They are bigger than the chick!

The ducks like to get a little attention, too.

I heard a different bird call than I usually do in my backyard. I grabbed my camera and found this little Carolina Wren in a tree near our back deck. Just caught a quick glimpse of it, though. Thank you to one of our neighbors who has flown north for the summer, for identifying it for me!

The frangipanni blooms are starting to show up. They smell so sweet!