Wild on Sanibel

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Birds Galore!

A drive through Ding and some photos at home produced several different birds and some rabbits to photograph!

Pink is one of my favorite colors on a bird!  I took far too many photos of the Roseate Spoonbills.  But, it leaves more to share for another day!

And then, one of my other favorite birds, the Great Blue Heron!

The brown on this Brown Pelican's neck looks like velvet!

This pretty Tri-Colored Heron waited so patiently for me to take his photograph.

This Reddish Egret looks a little mad.  But, I think he was just enjoying the sun since we haven't seen much of it lately!

We took a quick trip by the beach to see the condition of the erosion.  We were pleased to see that a good deal of sand had been deposited back on the beach.  

It is so good to see our beautiful blue/green clear water.  

Back to our yard and our neighborhood.  The Anhinga chick in the nest behind our house is growing so fast!

It seems a bit young to be wingersizing, but it was doing it with gusto!

I think this is the daddy Osprey from the nest behind our neighbors house.  Sadly, one of the two chicks did not thrive and did not make it.  The other one has grown and appears to have fledged.  I've seen the dad sitting in this tree several times, overlooking the empty nest.

Here he is again, a couple of days ago on an overcast day.

This Yellow Crowned Night Heron posed for me while drying out his wings.

When you have an itch, you just have to stop and scratch!

On our walk around the neighborhood, we saw this pretty Little Blue Heron and several rabbits!