Wild on Sanibel

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Beautiful day for birds and a gator

We had a chilly start to the morning today . . . well, ok, it was chilly for Southwest Florida at the end of March! We saw a few birds and a couple of gators on our trip through the Ding Refuge and the Bailey Tract. When I get to see Roseate Spoonbills, I call that a successful trip, especially if I can get photos of them flying toward me!

There were several spoonbills on the east side of the drive, so the birds were between the morning sun and where I was standing, making it difficult to get a good photo.

I love the turquoise eyes of the cormorant during their mating season.

The bump on the white pelican’s beak is an indication of the breeding season for both the male and female. They shed the bump by the end of the breeding season.

At the Bailey Tract, this Great Egret was dunking for breakfast.


Gulp! Down the hatch!

I was so intent on getting the photos of the Great Egret that we didn’t see the small 4 to 5 foot gator at our feet. He was hiding in the tall grass.

Then, he slipped into the water and gave us a warning look.