Wild on Sanibel

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Birds, Otters, and More

The Bailey Tract yielded photos today, instead of Ding. We came across a mother river otter and her two young ones. I wasn’t prepared for how fast they appeared and then took off. So, the photos weren’t the best, but it was fun to try to catch the photos.

The swallow-tailed kites have been back for a few weeks, but today was my first glimpse of one this season. It was quite a distance away, though. I love to watch their peaceful soaring and look forward to seeing more of them.

You can always see a little marsh hare at the Bailey Tract.

This young gator can often be seen near the entrance at the Bailey Tract.

Back at home, this female red-bellied woodpecker stopped long enough for me to get a photo. The grey on the top of the head indicates this is a female.

This osprey was in a tree near our home.