It has been a beautiful Saturday on Sanibel Island with low humidity and a nice cool breeze! It's a welcome respite after several unusually hot and humid days for this time of year! I didn't even have to leave my yard to get photos today. Well, I did go up on my next door neighbor's deck to get a little closer to the Osprey nest.
The babies are not so little any more! Two of them were looking over the side (orange eyes) and one of the adults was in the nest (yellow eyes on the right).
This is probably the biggest Yellow Rat Snake we've seen in our yard. He looked about 4 or 5 feet long.
Snakes are best when moving "away" from me!!
This juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron landed right in front of us for a photo op!
A female Anhinga was grooming herself on a branch over the water. I love the turquoise eyes!
The long neck gives them the nickname of Snakebird. In the water, they look like a snake as they swim around looking for fish.
Our Frangipani trees are in full bloom. I love the sweet smell they have. So pretty against the blue skies today!